Designed to Get Bigger Settlements
Insurance companies use software programs to determine settlement value. That is why our demands speak computer.
Software Drafts the Settlement Demand For You
Demand Drafter will include all relevant information in the settlement demand package. Every piece of information that can and should be given value by the insurance company is properly formatted in the demand.
- Injuries
- Treatment
- Loss of Enjoyment of Life
- Duties Under Duress
- Permanent Impairment Rating
- Mileage Reimbursement
- Lost Wages
Nothing Left on the table
Account for All Categories of Settlement Value
Injuries must be listed in the demand in the form of the injury diagnosis codes. They must also be supported by the doctor who made the diagnosis, date, and more.
Duties Under Duress
Just like other categories, duties under duress must include additional information in order for the insurance company to give this category value. Demand Drafter provides all necessary information.
Creative Team
Nunc pellentesque libero id rhoncus facilisis. Ut eu elit tristique, laoreet nunc a, accumsan mirutrum.
Treatment is the most rejected area of settlement with insurance companies. Dates, doctor type, injuries treated, and complaints all support treatment getting accounted for and given value.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life
This is often the most missed area of settlement value within demands. The software will automatically format the demand properly to get value.
All Injuries Given Value
For the insurance company’s software program to give value to an injury, it must include all supporting information. This includes the doctor that gave the diagnosis, date it was made, the corresponding diagnosis code, and the treatment that was given for the injury. Demand Drafter does all of this for you.
Account for Everything
Everything needs to be accounted for in the settlement demand. It is not enough to simply provide the insurer with the medical records and bills and hope for the best. It must be documented in the settlement demand as well. If you leave it out of the demand, it reduces the chance the insurance company’s software will give it value.
Demand Drafter accounts for every piece of information.
Formatting Done For You
Proper formatting is critical to get full value put on the case. The employee at the insurance company that is taking the data and putting it into their software is on a time crunch. Make their life easy and you will get rewarded for it.
The style of settlement demand that Demand Drafter creates for you would take 4-5 hours without the software. With the software, it takes less than thirty minutes for the average motor vehicle collision case.
About Service
What to expect from us?
Nunc pellentesque libero id rhoncus facilisis. Ut eu elit tristique, laoreet nunc a, accumsan mi. Praesent rutrum quam quis nibh pellentesque volutpat. Pellentesque ac tortor nec enim aliquam lobortis. Nulla accumsan bibendum massa, quis egestas eros pulvinar et. Vestibulum eu risus vitae libero pellentesque eleifend et a sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer eleifend pulvinar sapien. Ut eu magna vel leo rutrum porttitor ut ornare neque. Integer lacinia nisi vel tellus auctor, non accumsan risus ornare. Nunc porttitor sollicitudin lacinia.
Aliquam est justo, pretium et leo et, mattis volutpat eros. Maecenas lobortis purus quis erat molestie, cursus venenatis metus ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam aliquet ullamcorper ligula. Praesent at diam vitae nibh elementum feugiat sit amet a orci. Mauris molestie nisl at tristique lobortis. Sed vel vulputate ante, vel pharetra nulla. Donec suscipit consequat urna viverra tristique. Sed auctor, elit sed sollicitudin dictum, nisi dui facilisis ante, et scelerisque eros ipsum eget eros. Aliquam quis tellus justo.